Some of our products feature free freight. This means we absorb the cost charged to us from our shipper for shipping your item to you. If you see a small charge when you checkout it is a minimal handling fee that covers our outlay in handling your products, wrapping them, and shipping them. The "Shipping Quote" option on the cart will show you the "to your door" prices and there will be no hidden cost. Free freight or free shipping is not available when purchasing accessories alone (caps, lug nuts, TPMS sensors, etc.).

Non-Free Freight Items

Free FreightOur prices reflect the great deals we've negotiated and our shipping cost are easily accessible by using our "Shipping Quote" function, it will give you the "to your door" price and there will be no hidden cost. We believe in offering huge everyday savings (even after shipping fees), plus great service. If you live close to our store come on in and save the freight costs. Some of our products feature free freight. This means we absorb the cost charged to us from our shipper for shipping your item to you. If you see a small charge when you checkout it is a minimal handling fee that covers our outlay in handling your products, wrapping them, and shipping them. The "Shipping Quote" option on the cart will show you the "to your door" prices and there will be no hidden cost.

Non-Free Freight Items

Our prices reflect the great deals we've negotiated and our shipping cost are easily accessible by using our "Shipping Quote" function, it will give you the "to your door" price and there will be no hidden cost. We believe in offering huge everyday savings (even after shipping fees), plus great service. If you live close to our store come on in and save the freight costs.
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