The Biggest and Best Road Rallies Anywhere

Posted May-06-15 at 12:00 AM By Jackie

gumball 3000Road rallies like to say they are all about the cars, but really it’s a combination of cars, big personalities, speed, hype and alcohol. With nearly every rally claiming to be the best on their homepage, it’s time for some organizing. Here are our picks for the biggest and best road rallies in the world.

Gumball 3000

Gumball is a whole lot of hype, but for the most part, it actually lives up to it. Sure, there is massive media coverage about the celebs and their multi-country party road trip, but the cars of Gumball are flat out amazing. The uber-rich have entered everything from race cars with actual pedigree, to one-off exotics and even the Batmobile. This 3,000 blast covers 13 countries in just 7 days, and is definitely worth witnessing if it passes through your town. Just avoid the clubs that night.

London to Cape Town

Seriously, England to South Africa in one trip. This rally is a retro blast to the past, and is meant to invoke the feeling of 1970s long distance rallies. This timed event is massively planned, as it stretches through a half dozen countries in Europe alone. Then they hop a ferry to Egypt, and continue down through Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and many others. Desserts, plains, mountains; you name it, it’s here. If you’re a bore millionaire, this one is for you. Leave the Ferrari Enzo at home, and bring the Subaru.


WAVE (World Advanced Vehicle Expedition) is the largest electric car rally in the world. This event sees everything from homemade electric cars, to six-figure performance Teslas. Even electric buses get in on the action. This is no boring green-washed event, as one of the stops is timed run around Sachsenring racetrack. The route follows some of Germany’s most gorgeous roads, and winds through the Alps, ending at picturesque St. Gallen, Switzerland. If you have an hour to kill, go gawk at the unbelievably scenic pictures. see video below.


No, sorry, no scantily clad beautiful people in this rally. The same could be said for the cars too. The Big Apple to Big Easy (NYC to New Orleans) rally covered some beautiful scenery, through Appalachian and Ozark mountains, to the gulf coast. The best thing about it was also the worst: the cars were all purchased for $500 or less. Rust buckets, bondo covered econoboxes, and garishly modified minivans regularly competed on this run, which had the effect of reducing emphasis on money and personality, and instead brought the focus back to driving and camaraderie. Unfortunately BABE wrapped up their last rally recently. That is, unless any of our readers would be interested in restarting it? WAVE 2014:

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