Visual of What My Car Looks Like With Rims

Posted Apr-26-10 at 12:00 AM By Jackie

Most car enthusiasts don't like to change their car rims unless they know it is going to make it a lot better. People have posted on forums questions of which set of rims would look better on a car, but it can be hard to make a decision based on something like that. Over the years many people have wondered why there is not a tool to get a good visual of things like what a car would look like with a new set of rims, or a paint job. It turns out however that there is a great tool for this, few people seem to know about it however. Visual of Wheel on Vehicle There are over fifty makes , and far more models, ranging from older cars to newer cars. You can change the color of the car, like with some other tools, but much cooler than many tools you can also change the tint color and shade on the windows, the tire size, change out the rims, even raise the car and play with the way these integral things make a car look. Some of it will look better, but the important part is that you will be able to easily see if something is not going to look good at all. The virtual wheels can even move if you want to see how the rims look when the car is in motion. One of the great things about this tool is that when you have finished playing with the car, you can buy the tires and the rims that look best on your car. All the information is part of the program and there are places you can click on to check that information out for when you go to make the purchase. Unfortunately there is not a link to the company that is sponsoring the website, but that does leave it a little more open to being able to choose to buy from your favorite tire company.

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