Smart road trip tips

Posted Jul-25-11 at 12:00 AM By Jackie
Planning on using what’s left of the summer to go on an awesome road trip? Before you set off there are a few things that everyone should know to have the best and safest trip possible. Our smart road trip tips can save you time, your sanity, and even your life. If you are traveling with young children on any trip longer than a couple hours then do yourself and any other adult passengers you might be traveling with a favor and get a portable DVD player. The clichéd question of "Are we there yet [...more]
Posted in: How To Tags: road trip tips traveling

How to Buy Tires, Car

Posted Dec-31-09 at 12:00 AM By Jackie
So the time has finally come to buy tires for your vehicle, after weeks or perhaps months of holding your breathe, having taken note that you do in fact need them, also take note, that it need not be such a hassle as it may seem.  There is nothing more refreshing nor more poetic than hitting the open road and taking off on a road trip.  Long drives for many people relieve stress and give them time to think about life, about love, and about their place in the world.  Not so if you are doing that [...more]
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