How to Repair and Paint Chrome Rims

Posted Jan-28-10 at 12:00 AM By Jackie

There is nothing quite like driving down the road with some shiny chrome rims dressing up your vehicle. However, one minor accident or some excess rain is all it takes for those beautiful 20 inch rim to become the center of heartbreak and an empty wallet. Fortunately, if this has happened to you, there are a few things that you can do to hide the damage and prevent further damage If your rims are scratched or cracked the best thing to do is try and fill them in so that corrosion and rust does not become an issue. Begin by cleaning them thoroughly. Depending on the type of chrome you can attempt to polish the scratch out. If that doesn't work you can use a filler to fill in the scratch and then coat it thoroughly with a sealant to avoid any moisture getting in. If rust is taking over your rims, or even if it is just started, the sooner you take care of it the better. Begin by removing the tires and rims from your vehicle. After washing your rims down thoroughly, you need to sand out the rust spots. This can best be done with a sandblaster because it allows you to sand more evenly; however, if you don't have a sand blaster, or the rust spot is relatively small, sand paper will work as well. After the sanding is complete you will want to wash them thoroughly once again and allow them dry. Once they are dry you can apply a primer or sealer in smooth even coats and then allow the rims to dry. Now you can apply the paint, either powder or spray. Feel free to add a second coat and then allow them to dry completely for at least 24 hours. By following these easy steps you'll be back on the road and enjoying your chrome rims in no time.

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